Sunday, November 23, 2008


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Lost Tokyo Images

I went to this exhibition the week I moved into Tokyo. Now I know that the somewhere I was there, was actually nowhere. I subconsciously take photos of people walking away apprently.

Local supermarket.

In Ginza.

This is my favourite. I like the light on the bucket nozzles. I want to get around to scanning all the positives left over.

I really like the light on the metal because it's so smooth.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Things I'm Addicted To Recently

These are the things that I am addicted to recently, for better or worse:

Or, apparently, a list of all my activity across the internet. Also, I've been searching for ages for a cover of Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now by Erlend Oye, and yesterday I found it! So I'm going to share it here:

Hopefully this'll become a photo blog like it was before. I've been turned on and off by a 503CWD and this other Canon I thought I'd get. (Despite all the apparent stigma surrounding the purchase of a Canon over a Nikon - still have to think about that one.) Every time I see old 503CW shots I lean 1% closer to getting one again.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Polaroid Fail

Today I tried to replace the batteries in a bunch of SX-70 film I had that didn't work because of flat batteries. Needless to say, the battery problem was fixed, however all of the film was fucked already, that is, no emulsion on the film. There goes $400!